logo ka samooh jo ek uddeshy kelie kaary karata ho example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word logo ka samooh jo ek uddeshy kelie kaary karata ho usage in english sentences. The examples of logo ka samooh jo ek uddeshy kelie kaary karata ho are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., grouping.

Organising is the management function of assigning duties, grouping tasks, establishing authority and allocating resources required to carry out a specific plan.

Organising involves the grouping of the required tasks into manageable departments or work units and the establishment of authority and reporting relationships within the organisational hierarchy.
The group by clause is used in the SQL statement to enable grouping of records for creating summary query.
The fields after GROUP BY clause constitute the basis of grouping for which summary results are obtained.
The group header and footer are available in a report only if the sort order and grouping levels are also defined on the basis of a field of data source.
Depending on grouping level, the group header appears at the top of each report group.
The group footer appears at the bottom of each grouping level and may contain summaries or sub-totals for the grouped data.
Access responds by prompting the designer to add any grouping level(s) for displaying the information content of the report.
Click Next when the grouping level is added and defined.
The purpose of grouping is to organise the information content of a report into categories.
संबंधित शब्द लोगो का समूह जो एक उद्देश्य केलिए कार्य करता हो के पर्यायवाची लोगो का समूह जो एक उद्देश्य केलिए कार्य करता हो के विपरीत शब्द